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Per uso:

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BBLow Profile is the state of the art of the VSAT antennas at a very high efficiency for fast automotive land mobile and professional maritime fast boat/military/law enforcement.
This antenna, with its owned phased array technology, it really solves problems like high production costs and high internal heat that other antennas in this range usually have, granting always a very high and constant gain from 0° elevation till 90° elevation equals to 47dBW EIRP with his internal standard BUC of 10w.

This is the only one mobile phased array that can be configured by software linear cross-polar or co-polar and also circular polarization in the entire "VSAT" extended band.

This design can host inside of his rugged kevlar dome also the data modem in order to avoid coaxial cables or external RF components for maximum flexibility, fast installations and zero signals loss. In fact the antenna is reachable with only one feeding ethernet Cat.5 cable + DC power from 12 up to 48Vcc.
This antenna with his only 95cm diameter from the base and 30cm high from the base is able to connect any type of VSAT Satellite with any kind of elevation angle and with any kind of skew inclination angle and also with many kind of data modulations like TDMA, CDMA, SPREAD SPECTRUM and large SCPC carriers.

With a standard satellite link budget of at least 48dBW this antenna can easily reach an uplink till 1 Mb and a down link till 10 Mb with TDMA modulation. (no spread is necessary).

With a standard satellite link budget of at least 50dBW this antenna can easily reach an uplink till 2 Mb and a down link till 20 Mb with TDMA modulation. (no spread is necessary).

The more suitable use of this type of antenna are: fast trains, low enforcement moving vehicles, cars trucks and coaches, fast patrol boats and fast vessels where the streamlined, weight and robustness are making the difference.

Cosa include la confezione:
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* E' BENE CHIEDERE UN PREVENTIVO quando dovete abbinare prodotti particolari come un antenna ed il cavo, noi vi possiamo suggerire il cavo corretto per connettere il vostro telefono o la dock all'antenna scelta o aiutarvi a scegliere il prodotto migliore per le vostre esigenze.

  • This antenna is comparable to an offset parabolic antenna of 70 cm. diameter.
  • An important element on behalf of this antenna is its the weight, lower than any other antenna in its class equals to 28 Kg. including the 10 Watt BUC and the modem that are contained inside of itself.
  • Superlative satellite tracking with closed loop algorithms assisted with internal high accurate 3-axis gyro sensor.
  • This is the first antenna in the world to include all the electronic components into the radome.
  • This unique antenna can be used as a VSAT and TvSat on any kind of satellite, in any configuration, anywhere in the world without reconfiguration or HW changes by a technician.
  • It is also the first antenna in the world that can be managed by a very simple web interface, from any PC, iPhone, iPad, or any Android or Windows tablet from anywhere also remotely.

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EUR 4.387,18 + IVA
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