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Iridium Force Satellite Wifi - Coming Soon



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Iridium Force™ Iridium Force is our unique vision for using the power of the world's furthest reaching network to bring extended and enhanced personal communications to people and organizations, everywhere. Details Iridium AxcessPoint Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones, tablets and laptops will be able to connect anywhere through the Iridium network. Iridium AxcessPoint is a portable and lightweight Wi-Fi hotspot accessory that easily connects BlackBerry and Android devices to the Iridium network using an Iridium Extreme or Iridium 9555 satellite phone. iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices, and Windows and Mac laptops, will need to download the new, free4 Iridium AxcessPoint Mail & Web application. Iridium AxcessPoint is expected to be available in fourth quarter of 2011 with a suggested retail price of less than $200 (USD). ? Iridium AxcessPoint Connect – Created for Iridium phone users travelling with laptops, this downloadable application for use with the Iridium Direct Internet software connectivity tool turns any Windows laptop into a global Wi-Fi hotspot when connected to an Iridium Extreme or Iridium 9555 satellite phone. Iridium AxcessPoint Connect enables Wi-Fi compatible devices, such as smartphones, to synchronize and respond to email or use the Internet over the Iridium network. Users can download Iridium AxcessPoint Connect and Direct Internet applications free of charge. Standard airtime charges apply for use over the Iridium network for the solutions listed above.
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Iridium Force Satellite Wifi - Coming Soon
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* DU BÖR FRÅGA EFTER EN OFFERT när du behöver köpa särskilda tillbehör, till exempel en antenn och en kabel så att vi kan ge dig den rätta kabeln för att ansluta antennen till enheten med alla adaptrar som du kan behöva.

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We don't have any compatible Airtime Plan

We don't have any compatible Airtime Plan
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7 Day Return for Refund / Replacement Policy, this means that if your product is faulty due to a manufactures fault and you wish to return a product(s) bought from us, you are totally free to do so, provided that the return meets the following conditions, we will give you a full refund or replacement at your choosing, no re-stocking fee deducted and no questions asked! Conditions are as follows: Item(s) are purchased from our ebay store. Item(s) are returned within 14 days of receipt to our local agent. Item(s) are returned with a copy of your receipt / invoice. Item(s) are returned accompanied by order receipt and return authorisation number. Item(s) are in brand new condition e.g. product packaging must be complete or this will affect your right to a refund or replacement. If you choose to have your money refunded we will refund you the total amount paid less postage, within 72 hours. This does not affect your statutory rights.
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Tittade också på

EUR 918,36 + IVA
(USD 1.000,00)